Monday, 5 November 2007

Getting more traffic...

Not that i am complaning or anything, but can you please help me get more traffic to my blog, please i dont want to make you feel guilty or anything - but i have a big family, and a lot of bills that needs to be paid, and my children has to go to university, and we dont have money for food or anything.. - guys i am kidding, first i dont have a family like that, second i am not in it to make money, i do it for the fun of it... however for those of you how do have a blog add my link and i will see if i can do the same here... as i said this is my first time to enter the world of blogging etc... so be gentle.. but it is funny how many people are making money on blogging nowadays, and how good they are in attracting people to their blogs, i mean i am happy that my partner is reading my blog, so any more traffic is lovely... however am feeling a bit stupide when other bloggers are mentioning "dude yesterday i had 50.000 hits on my blog, dude!!!...", okay that is pretty cool i guess, my partner told me to be persistent and not to give up, and that i will reach that as well, thanks for the support baby, but i think not!!! okay if i do hit 50.000 people then i am definetely going to do something dramatically, like wear two different colored socks to i will come up with something, or even better you come up with something, is that a deal?.....

so please guys give me more traffic, promote my blog to friends, family, and / or random people on the street....just kidding - i am sincerely happy that you are reading dont be shy, drop me a line or mail me....

till our next time, dude.... where is my traffic.... (okay that is pretty stupid - taken from "dude where is my car" - for those of you that doesnt know this film, you are not missing alot...)

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